Imagine that you’ve got two types of people in a company. There is one kind that is selfish, manipulative, aggressive and cold-hearted. On the other hand, you have the sort of people who are friendly, warm, supportive and honest. Which one would you like to have as your boss? I guess the answer is obvious …
Category: Leadership
The art of giving advice
Don’t give advice automatically When someone shares a problem with you, it doesn’t mean that you need to automatically give them advice. Even if you have good intentions, it can simply backfire. Advice can be treated as criticism or even an insult, especially if you give it in a poor way. Unsolicited advice can give …
How to receive a compliment without being awkward
No matter what we do in life, we all crave approval. Regardless of whether it concerns our work, hobbies, personal features or even our physique. Appreciation makes us feel good about ourselves. It also makes us perform better in the area we’re praised for. That’s because compliments activate the same region of the brain as …
Praise Guide: how to praise your teammates effectively
Whether you manage a team of 2 or 1000, motivating employees is the key to successful leadership. The way you acknowledge people can impact your relationships with them, especially in terms of building trust and social bonds. Although most of us know that motivation at work is crucial and we can find tons of motivational …
Why is praising people at work so important?
Praising demotivates, slating motivates There are different approaches to praising people at work as well as plenty of myths regarding the issue. Some managers believe that praising can actually lower people’s performance. They argue that it doesn’t make sense to compliment people too much because it will make them arrogant and pompous. They are scared …
How to get rid of social loafing in your team
Social loafing, or freeriding, is the tendency to do less than someone’s potential allows them to do in a group setting. You probably had a chance to experience that phenomenon while working on a group project at school or, more recently, in your workplace. There are people who always contribute a lot to each group …
Social Loafing: Why Working in Groups is Bad for Productivity
Do you remember group work at school? A teacher asked you to form a team, so you invited all your best friends to make the task as joyful as it could be. Obviously, you thought that working with your best buddies would be the best idea. However, once you started working on that project with …
How to tell your teammate that his work is sloppy?
You consider yourself a hard worker. You’re responsible at work. Everything you do is high-quality, meticulous and very neat. When you have a task to complete, you are fully committed to finishing it even before the deadline. When someone asks you to prepare a report, you verify it a couple of times, checking whether your …
Team building that really works
Team building can sound scary to a lot of people. It’s typically associated with meeting your coworkers in order to do mundane or ridiculous stuff, like singing a song or holding each other’s hands. Something that is meant to be fun but that some of you will consider a nightmare. Something that is meant to …
Reasons why team building fails
Team building exercises are one of the most commonly used group-development ventures in many organizations. However, not everyone is convinced of their value. Some people actually question whether those indoor or outdoor activities even work at all. Most of us tend to just assume they are in fact quite powerful, but now it’s to time …